Thursday, August 26, 2010


the answer to this question really revolves around what you consider to be 'true friendship.' It is inevitable that you will meet people in your life with whom you have a deep connection, but then ultimately lose contact. Does that mean that they weren't a true friend, or did circumstances drive you apart?

But is real friendship based on contact? Or is it based on dependability; knowing that no matter how long it's been, you could call that person and they would help you out of a jam.
Others may consider real friendship a relationship where they can have fun, be relaxed and never force conversation.

Whatever your definition of real friendship, it is clear that it can often be hard to find, and even harder to hold onto.


This is a big killer when trying to find real friendship. Friendships may seem real at the time, only for one or both parties to lose interest once the friendship is no longer convenient. As well as this, you may meet someone abroad, or at a party of a mutual friend and establish a bond; but if you live far apart then this won't necessarily endure, even if the connection was real at the time, because the right circumstances are not their to allow it to flourish.

In a truly global world, people staying in one place long enough to form a true bond is harder than you may think. Things and people change rapidly and without warning.

Growing Apart

This is a huge issue when thinking about what people would term 'real friendship.' You may still regularly see the person who was your best friend at age five, but is it a real connection still, or are you just carrying on because that's the way you've always been? I'm not saying that it is impossible for friendships to endure, but it is also possible for them to become a habit.

The Love Factor

This is particularly, but not exclusively a problem for cross gender friendships. Films such as 'When Harry Met Sally' exemplify this problem nicely. You may think that you have struck up a deep and meaningful, real friendship with someone, only to find later on down the line that they had exactly one reason for interest in you. It is also possible to find that what was a real friendship to begin with blossoms only on one side, ultimately destroying the bond.

Don't Despair

After all this doom and gloom I would like to add a lighter note; it is possible to find real friendship. Like finding love, you do have to leave yourself open and this does let in the good and the bad. However, the rewards are so great in finding real friendship that it is worth the trials. Make time for the new people that you meet; don't assume that they don't want to be friends - most people are open and nice, no matter what you might believe. Be friendly and put yourself out there, and the chances are highly in your favour that you will find the real friendship which will last you a lifetime.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gama_oyabun.Gamakichi & GamaTatsu

..gamaOyabun... la gamaoyabun..bapak katak lam cite naruto..hehehe..perhhh...hebat gak power katak nie..


n..nie fav taye..hehehe..gamakichi...katak y klakor gler


y ni katak y cute..huahahahak

Sume ni karakter dlm cite naruto...xkesah la movie ke epsd waper ke..malah mangga skali pown...dis crazy frog ttp ade...hehehe...luv dis frog


Qana’ah brerti rela menerima n merasa ckup dgn ape y dimiliki, srta mnjauhkn dri dr sifat x puas n merasa kurang y berlebihan.

Qana’ah bukan bererti hidup bermalas-malasan, tidak mau berusaha sebaik-baiknya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup. Justru orang yang Qana’ah itu selalu giat bekerja dan berusaha, namun apabila hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, ia akan tetap rela hati menerima hasil tersebut dengan rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT.

Sikap yang demikian itu akan mendatangkan rasa tentram dalam hidup dan menjauhkan diri dari sifat serakah dan tamak.

orang yang memiliki sifat Qana’ah, memiliki pendirian bahwa apa yang diperoleh atau yang ada pada dirinya adalah ketentuan Allah.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love story ~~ versi my_G

Cinta suci itu milik orang yang masih mempunyai harapan walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan.

Milik mereka yang masih percaya, walaupun mereka telah dikhianati.
Milik mereka yang masih mencintai, walaupun mereka telah disakiti.
Dan milik mereka yang mempunyai keberanian dan keyakinan bahwa cinta bukan untuk sementara tetapi untuk selamanya.

Permulaan cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kamu cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kamu inginkan. Jika tidak, kamu hanyalah mencintai pantulan dari diri sendiri yang kamu temukan di dalam dirinya.

Bercinta memang mudah. Untuk dicintai juga mudah. Tapi untuk dicintai oleh orang yang kita cintai itulah yang sukar diperoleh.

CINTA sejati adalah saat kau dapat merelakan CINTA itu bahagia, bukan untuk mendapatkannya.

Satu-satunya cara agar kita memperoleh kasih sayang, ialah jangan menuntut agar kita dicintai, tetapi mulailah memberi kasih sayang kepada orang lain tanpa mengharapkan balasan. -

snggp cUti tuk tgk bola..~~~

sAlam pmbukaan dr ambo..

....dis my 1st paham2 je la er...mngkin spelling ade y xbtui 2...sory2 je la ye.
cIte ye lagu nie......aRini aku brcuti (cuti tanpe gaji) semata2 nk p tgk bola prlawanan antare tHe rEd Worior vS The hIghwAy Worior...hehehe...

~klate mene 4-1...yeyeyeye

....pg2 ag sms boss(ckp mc)...hehehe...alasan bos tnye....aku ckp sakit jiwa..huahahahak...e2 y aku rse saat nie....ckp direct jer...xsmpai 5minit..hp aku trus mnyanyikn lgu....Wat dO u wAnt from mE...hahhaha...bos y koi..huhu...
....Boss tnye apsal bru blik brcuti dr melaka..dh nk cuti ag...hehehe..kne tazkirah d pg ari..huhu...cian bola pnye sal...rembat jer...sesebenarnye la..aku tension,stress nga keje n live aku skank.....

....kAwan mKn kWn..shit tull la...sal affair ag..aku bnci *#*#..slalu jg hal owng...wTf...2 nk celupar la... dat 4 now...ngantuk dh mngila daaa.....huhu....arios broo....sory 4 not b a perfect..but dis is me n how i am...welcome 2 my shitty live....